Necktar 2017 volume 9
Total Time : 28 h 23 mn
*This volume is dedicated
to the mutants who escaped from death fear and live their dreams
through their creations.
Life / Transmission / Death : Logos.
The set of themes of volume 8 is
Chaos / Transmission / Harmony : Humanity.
The set of themes of volume 7 is
Death / Transmission / Life : Mythos.
The set of themes of volume 6 is
Virtual / Fusion / Material : Revolution.
The set of themes of volume 5 is
Artificial / Fusion / Natural : Union.
The set of themes of volume 4 is
Theory / Fusion / Practical : Revelation.
The set of themes of volume 3 is
Macro / Perception / Micro : Evolution.
The set of themes of volume 2 is
Random / Perception / Cycles : Reproduction.
The set of themes of volume 1 is
Reel / Perception / Realities : Illusion.
The experimental fake teasers are available in free download here
There is a selection of video clips on youtube and vimeo watchable here
http://www.necktar.info/Necktar_2017/Volume_9/videosIX.htmThere is a sideproject by Zone fusION which is here
and will be soon mutate into a long extra track.
There is a package with all the artwork covers here
a way to celebrate the Necktar 2017 final release, there was a micro
festival horsnorme IRL in Dole (fRance) with an exhibition. All the
concerts and the exhibition photos will be here soon.
To those who have contributed
to this Necktar 2017 by bringing their essence.
To those who may give is full meaning to this Necktar,
by going further a simple listening,
if they struggle for the right to live free through their art as their lives.
To those who contributed in the past years
who have come back for give birth to this kind of audio epitaph.
to the many netlabels that helped a lot this year again, amongst them :
Eg0cides Productions & H.A.K Lo-Fi Record & Earsheltering and
especially Murmure Intemporel who have already upload all the previous
volumes on FreeMusicArchive and will do it for this one despite the crazy number of tracks.
At last to those who resist by their acts, staying alive despite the slow agony of this world murdered by the dead ones.
dead ones I mean all kind of people who are not aware of the real
consequences of confort, safety, certainty... while they spend their
life trying to stay alive the longer they can, they only get to never escape this death state, stuck in a blind fake happyness.
The set of themes of the next volume is :
Volume n°10. 2017-???*
Unit / Solution / Infinite : Synthesis.
* It could be workout as in few years than in... 2030!
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